How to Make a Origami Hot Dog

Paper Plate Hot Dog - Kid Craft Idea

Paper Plate Hot Dog – Kid Craft Idea

One of my favorite children's book series as of late, has been the Pigeon Presents Series by Mo Williems.

Whenever I read these comical books to my Lil Man, I like to act out the stories and add funny voices to the characters. It's just so much fun to read and they even have great lessons behind them {like sharing, responsibilities, following directions etc}

Since I love this children's book series so much, it comes to no surprise that I'm sharing a paper plate hot dog kid craft that goes along perfectly with the book The Pigeon Finds A Hotdog. This book tells the story where the Pigeon learns to share even his most prized food. It's such a great valuable lesson for kids!

To recreate this paper hot dog kid craft , all you need is a simple paper plate, tissue paper and colored cardstock. That's it! With just those three simple supplies, you too can pull this easy kid craft together in no time!

Then you can grab the book, maybe a real hot dog or two and celebrate as you read & craft together this afternoon!

Just follow the step-by-step tutorial below and let the fun begin with this paper plate and tissue paper hot dog idea.

Don't forget to "share" your crafty hot dog paper creation by displaying it proudly and snapping a few pictures to share on our Facebook page! Happy crafting, my friends! #gluedtomycrafts

PAIR YOUR STORY TIME CRAFT WITH —> Paper Plate Pigeon – Children's Book Themed Kid Craft

Paper Plate Hot Dog {Kid Craft}

Paper Plate Hot Dog Supplies:

* Large Paper Plate {one per hot dog craft}
* Tan Tissue Paper
* Red Cardstock Paper
* Yellow Cardstock Paper
* School Glue
* Kid Friendly Craft Scissors


* First cut your tan colored tissue paper into small squares {let the kids practice their cutting skills}
* Take your paper plate and put a good amount of glue all over it.
* Have children place the tissue paper on top of the glue, until the paper plate is completely covered.
* While they are working on that, cut out the "hot dog" from your red cardstock. Don't forget to cut out a squiggle for the mustard!
* To finish off the paper plate hot dog kid craft – simply glue the hot dog/mustard cardstock pieces to the of the center paper plate and display proudly {you can even add other embellishments like cardstock pickles and relish!}

PAIR YOUR FINISHED CRAFT WITH —> Popsicle Stick Hot Dog – Kid Craft Idea For Pigeon Book Series

Paper Plate Hot Dog - Kid Craft Idea

If you are looking for even MORE easy kid craft ideas that go along with our favorite children's books, be sure to check out these fun posts listed below {as well as our popsicle stick hot dog version, as well!}

And "if" you decide to make this craft, please share a picture on our Facebook page or tag us on Instagram with #gluedtomycrafts for us to see. We love seeing our inspiration come to life!

Paper Plate Cookie {another Pigeon Presents themed craft}
Dr Seuss Inspired Leopard {Kid Craft}
Dr Seuss Inspired Fish {Kid Craft}
Paper Plate Pigeon Kid Craft {another Pigeon Presents themed craft}
Paper Plate Cat In The Hat {Kid Craft}
Super FAST Go Dog Go! Popsicle Stick Car – Kid Craft Tutorial
Paper Plate Pigeon – Children's Book Themed Kid Craft
Paper Plate Pigeon & Duckling – Kid Craft


How to Make a Origami Hot Dog


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